Time-lapse videos

I have experimented with time-lapse videos as audio-visual research objects in several projects  – stuck on the ceiling to capture every 10seconds of the creative practice taking place underneath, strapped to the handlebars of bikes during fieldwork, to capture Bloomer making workshops/rides and Enquiry Machine making/performances – and I have written about these experiences:

In Chapter 4: Making and Wearing, Jungnickel, K. ed. TRANSMISSIONS: Critical tactics for making and communicating research, MIT Press (out in March 2020)

In Chapter 5: Making Mobilities, In Hjorth, L., Harris, A,  Jungnickel, K and Coombs, Gretchen. 2020. Creative Practice Ethnographies, Lexington Press.

Jungnickel, K. 2015. Jumps, stutters and other failed images: using time-lapse video in cycling research, In Bates, C. (ed) Video Methods, Routledge, Advances in Research Methods series. Chapter 6, pp.132-152